Obituary of J.H. Pipkin ~ 1909

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

Source: Charlotte Observer Dec 21 1909


Mr. J. H. Pipkin, Wealthy Citizen of Pamlico county, Dies Suddenly While 
Duck Hunting--Body Discovered Two Days Later.

Special to The Observer.

Newbern, Dec. 20--News reached Newbern this morning that J. H. Pipkin, a 
prominent citizen of Pamlico county, was found dead in a field not far 
from his home Sunday morning. Mr. Pipkin went duck hunting Friday and as 
he did not return that night search was made for himm, but not until 
Sunday morning was the body found. There is every indiciation that he died 
a natural death from heart failure on his way home.
Mr. Pipkin was a wealthy farmer and lumberman and was worth from $50,000 to
$75,000. He leaves a wife and seven children.

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